Working Pattern

The last decade has seen the broadcasting landscape transform fundamentally. Competition is more intense than ever across all aspects of the industry, yet this is also a moment bursting with opportunity. We will continue offering a unique, trusted environment for viewers, content creators, and advertisers. We look to capitalize on the changing consumption habits and demography and become the youngest-skewing TV channel in the country by fully serving the needs of this key audience. Catering to the youths will see us invest significantly in content that appeals to them and broadcasting movies that they cannot find elsewhere.

We look to ramp up our partnerships with major production houses, digital libraries, and popular creators and artists that draw in sizeable audiences and revenues that can, in turn, be reinvested into more great content. We also look to create more jobs in the country and support more independent creators. To compete against the traditional broadcast behemoths, we will emphasize to reform, reposition and bolster our unique selling proposition. Culturally, we will focus on our Nepali roots and ensure that we stand out as a proudly Nepalese brand that reflects the country in all of its diversity.

We are operating in an increasingly competitive and challenging market, but we believe that our strategy – to promote unique content, cater to the needs of young audiences, and build a strong, inclusive culture – will safeguard our longterm sustainability. We believe the strategy will help us retain the position as a must-watch, must-follow brand in the broadcast industry of the country.

After all, we want to be the brand synonymous with the biggest and best of movies and entertainment on television and cement our position as the public choice channel in the country.